Welcome to the most holy and high church of the great gilded one:

The Holy Church of Spinerology

Yes it is He, the great One, the gilded One, the actor/singer extraordinaire. Ol' Yellow Eyes is here, the most holiest of holies. Behold Spiner, in all of his yellow glory!!!


Processing...processing...processing...processing this most holy image of the great singing, acting, Spiner!!!!!!

You may be asking yourself, who is this devoted follower of the Holy Church of Spinerology and why does she have a webpage? The answer is, my friend, because. You may be asking yourself, Is there really a Brent Spiner? Well, there is. You may be asking yourself, Why Spiner? The answer is because, you get the idea. You may be asking yourself, where is this monologue heading? (If anywhere) The answer is, right here: Frequently Asked Questions

You also may be asking, what is a Spiner, how did He get here, what is His purpose and my purpose? You may be asking what this Spiner looks like, or if there's really proof he really exists. Or you may just be wondering where you can find some holy images of the great Spiner. Well, here is a link to put your questions to rest. Holy Visions of Spiner

Now you may be sitting back in your (un)comfortable chair wondering, where can I get some Yummy Sound bytes of this Spiner? Hear his word? Listen to his hymns? Right Here: Yummy Sounds of Spiner

Well, you may have looked through the page and liked it, you wanna tell me that you did. Or maybe you hated it, and want to tell me it sucks risking a wonderful internet repartee. Perhaps you have some suggestions on what else I should do with this holy place. Maybe you want to send donations to the HOCS, such as images, soundfiles, info, money, etc. etc.Well then, Click Here! And if you want to send spam, don't. Spammers are the anti-Spiners and should be cast out of this Holy Church.

And now, newly added, is the Ode to Spot, holy Servent to the Great Spiner. Furry, cuddly, and cute wittow puddy tat, Spot is. All hail Spot!

That's it for now! Bless this screen and the hardware that comes with it.